White Rice

Whenever you see an article making recommendations about food, you’ll probably see at least one bullet point dedicated to whole grains. When it comes to staples like bread, pasta and rice, you want the more unrefined sort, the kind that hasn’t had all its nutrients processed away. White bread and white rice have earned a pretty bad reputation, but that doesn’t mean they’re devoid of all nutritional value (https://longevity.technology/lifestyle/the-surprising-truth-white-rices-health-benefits-revealed-in-9-convincing-reasons/).

Now, don’t get us wrong; we’re not saying you should replace all your brown rice with white rice. The process of refining carbohydrates removes the bran and germ, leaving only the endosperm. That means it’s also removing a large amount of the fiber, along with significant amounts of vitamins and minerals.

“Some” vitamins and minerals, however, is not the same as “all”. White rice still has good levels of vitamin D, magnesium, potassium and folic acid. Some white grains are even enhanced by returning lost nutrients after refinement. Then there are nutrients you don’t want to overdo. White rice is low in salt and fat, both of which are troublesome when consumed excessively. This makes it good for your cardiovascular health, and it may even reduce your blood pressure.

White rice in particular has certain advantages. It’s low in calories and helpful for those trying to lose weight, but as a carb, it’s still a good source of energy, particularly if you need a quick boost. It’s also the carbohydrate of choice for those with a gluten allergy or intolerance, who generally have to stay away from wheat products like most bread.

White rice is also high in antioxidants, which can protect against free radicals and their associated diseases. Its vitamin D, magnesium and potassium are all good for the immune system.

Part of the reason refined grains are so popular, despite their reduced nutritional content, is their texture. They’re smaller and softer, which some people find more pleasing to eat and can make food significantly easier to digest. Combined with its relative lack of flavor, this makes white rice a good choice if you’re sick and need something simple and bland that won’t upset your stomach.

No, white rice doesn’t have all the advantages of whole grain, but it can still be part of a healthy diet. Just make sure you eat a good balance of protein, vegetables and other foods alongside it.

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