Smart Technology For Aging At Home

Just when you think we’ve reached the limits of new smart technology for the home, along comes a new innovation to blow your mind. Yes, there were televisions, refrigerators, and lighting. Now – and you might have to read this twice to believe it’s real – there’s the smart toilet seat (

Don’t roll your eyes; listen to the logic first. One of the main ways we can check for health problems, and potentially detect early warning signs even without visible symptoms, is through urine. That refers to its amount, frequency, and chemical composition, all of which can change as we grow older.

Now, as anyone who’s ever given a urine sample knows, it can be awkward trying to go at a specified time and in an adequate quantity. In the context of care homes or supported living, you also need staff to be constantly alert to whether residents are showing abnormal urination patterns, which could be a sign of something more serious. A smart toilet can remove both of these issues by constantly monitoring urination when it comes without any need for behavioral changes.

The toilet seat is called “TrueLoo”, and it comes to us courtesy of Toi Labs, a company generally focused on improving senior living so people can age comfortably at home. The TrueLoo is its flagship product, and it’s powered by AI to allow for consistency and precision in its results.

TrueLoo is definitely receiving some positive buzz, with the female-run investment group (it currently has 1700 female investors) known as Portfolia putting in significant cash from its Active Aging & Longevity fund. Other targets for Portfolia investment include Maven Clinic, which focuses entirely on women’s health; nutrition-focused L-Nutra; and Everly Health, which provides at-home kits for various health tests. Portfolia has made more than 150 investments overall across 18 countries.

Vik Kashyap, CEO of Toi Labs, welcomed the Portfolia investment: “Their deep experience in longevity and perspective as women investors provide a unique advantage as we continue to build a platform for delivering healthcare in the home.” Other backers of TrueLoo include bathroom manufacturer Sloan and the National Institutes of Health.

Not everyone will want AI monitoring them in private moments like when using the toilet, but the TrueLoo does have obvious potential benefits to consider.

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