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We all need encouragement, support, and help in our health journey. Every athletic team has that special place they meet with their team and coaches to get motivated, inspired, and find that grit to win. Health and longevity is about making the best choices each and every day. We are a community using proven longevity principles that millions have used to naturally increase energy, lose the unwanted weight, normalize blood sugar, stabilize blood pressure, maintain healthy cholesterol, and support overall body and hormone wellness. Join in the success with our community of like-minded people we like to call “family.”

Asa Andrew

About Dr. Asa

Asa Andrew, MD is 3-time physician, founder of the largest health media company, entrepreneur, best-selling author, philanthropist, the nation’s #1 health coach, lifestyle strategist, and recognized world leader in health psychology.

Known as America’s Health Coach, Dr. Asa Andrew is a national best-selling author, radio and TV host, and recognized authority on Health Psychology. He is also the founder of Diagnosis HOPE, a non-profit designed to support health and wellness education. Dr. Asa has dedicated his life to helping others thrive in their health. We invite you to take the first step now.

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Brain Health

The Individualized Approach

We often talk about technology as the one-stop solution to all of our problems, including serious medical conditions like dementia, but it’s easy to oversimplify. One thing we should never lose sight of is that every person is an individual, and their needs won’t necessarily be the same as the person next to them. What

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Recovery & Performance

Garmin Forerunner 165

Running is one of the most popular forms of exercise out there, and it’s pretty easy to try it for yourself. All you really need is a decent pair of shoes. If you’re really serious, there’s advice and all kinds of other aids available. The Garmin Forerunner 165 is one of the latest and most

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Brain Health

Social Media

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Recovery & Performance

The Accuracy Challenge

Smart rings have lots of advantages. They’re small, lightweight and convenient, making them much less obtrusive compared to many other forms of fitness trackers. This does raise the question, however, of how such a small device situated such a long way from the main parts of your body can accurately monitor anything ( There are

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Recovery & Performance

Night Shift Workers

Everyone needs to exercise, but for some people it’s more important than others. Night shift workers face additional health risks due to their disrupted sleep patterns, but research suggests they can also experience even more benefits if they manage to fit regular exercise into their schedule ( Night shifts aren’t easy for many reasons. First,

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Eating & Nutrition

Olive Oil

The Mediterranean diet is often feted as one of the healthiest options out there, and olive oil is a big part of that. Can this one ingredient really have such magical properties? How does it compare to other kinds of fat? And is there any reason to be wary? Let’s take a deeper look (

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