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We all need encouragement, support, and help in our health journey. Every athletic team has that special place they meet with their team and coaches to get motivated, inspired, and find that grit to win. Health and longevity is about making the best choices each and every day. We are a community using proven longevity principles that millions have used to naturally increase energy, lose the unwanted weight, normalize blood sugar, stabilize blood pressure, maintain healthy cholesterol, and support overall body and hormone wellness. Join in the success with our community of like-minded people we like to call “family.”

Asa Andrew

About Dr. Asa

Asa Andrew, MD is 3-time physician, founder of the largest health media company, entrepreneur, best-selling author, philanthropist, the nation’s #1 health coach, lifestyle strategist, and recognized world leader in health psychology.

Known as America’s Health Coach, Dr. Asa Andrew is a national best-selling author, radio and TV host, and recognized authority on Health Psychology. He is also the founder of Diagnosis HOPE, a non-profit designed to support health and wellness education. Dr. Asa has dedicated his life to helping others thrive in their health. We invite you to take the first step now.

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Longevity & Immunity

Changing Perceptions

Improving society and health isn’t just about finding the right scientific breakthrough. It’s also about changing perceptions. Sometimes we’re limited in what we think is possible or in who we think can make a meaningful contribution. The push for more open-mindedness is an important one ( Longevity research still starts from the premise that once

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Brain Health

Electric Medicine Headband

Sleep quality is one of the big predictors of health. Not getting enough sleep, or sleeping badly, can impact your cardiovascular health, your concentration and mood, your ability to recover from illness or injury, and pretty much everything else, with a knock-on effect on your longevity. No wonder companies like Elemind are trying to find

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Longevity & Immunity

Hematopoietic Stem Cells

Cells serve many different roles in the body and can come in many forms. When we talk about longevity, we tend to talk about senescent cells, or those that deteriorate and malfunction as they age. Now researchers are investigating the opposite: cells that last longer than others and have regenerative properties ( The cells we’re

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Eating & Nutrition


Pretty much every part of the body starts to slow down and work less effectively as we grow older. That includes the immune system, which is pretty problematic when we rely on it to keep us free of disease. Supplements may be one way to boost the aging immune system, with the latest research pointing

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Longevity & Immunity

Research, Innovation And Investment

It’s not cheap developing innovative new technology that can change people’s lives and make aging a healthier, happier process. Plenty of smart individuals and small companies have good ideas but lack the resources to make them work. That’s where public bodies like UK Research and Innovation come into play, in collaboration with enthusiastic private investors

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Heart Health

Predicting Cardiac Events

A lot of effort goes into figuring out how we can predict health problems before they happen. We look at blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar and analyze whether they mean we’re at increased risk of strokes, heart attacks or diabetes. But what about cardiac inflammation? We know that’s a major contributing factor to many

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