Melatonin Or Herbal Supplements?

Sleep supplements come in many forms, and that means it’s difficult to choose which, if any, is best for you. All supplements have their own advantages and disadvantages, and these can interact in unique ways with your individual biology. So, the first thing to do is take a look at some of the most common options and how they work (

First up is melatonin, not to be confused with melanin. Melanin is what gives skin its pigment; melatonin is a hormone that plays an essential role in your cycles of wakefulness and sleep. You can buy melatonin over the counter, and it’s proving to be an increasingly popular solution to acute sleep issues.

You may take melatonin to help you cope with jet lag, or if you’re a shift worker who needs some help adjusting to a changing schedule. People with delayed sleep phase syndrome, who can’t fall asleep until much later at night, have been known to use melatonin. As something that occurs naturally in your body, it’s a pretty safe option, although side effects are possible. If you start experiencing headaches or nausea, if you’re pregnant, or if you’re taking other medications, talk to your doctor.

If hormones aren’t for you, you might want to try some herbal remedies. There are lots of options here, including chamomile, lavender and valerian root. These have been in use for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. Melatonin comes as a tablet, liquid drops, or gummies, but you’re probably most familiar with the herbal solutions as types of tea or ingredients in bubble bath.

Different herbal remedies work slightly differently, and there are always individual variations in how people react to any supplement. Generally, the aim is to relieve the symptoms of stress and anxiety to help you relax and make sleeping easier. Sometimes there are mild side effects, like headaches, and some people experience allergic reactions, so it may take some experimentation to find out if there is one that works particularly well for you.

https://www.drasa.comAs with all supplements, check whether they are suitable for you with a doctor first. Be sure to purchase from legitimate sources, stick to any instructions about dosage, and only use alongside a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet, plenty of exercise and good sleep hygiene. It also depends on what is available and affordable near you.

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