How Do You Get Younger Looking Skin?

Anti-Aging - How Do You Get Younger Looking Skin?

Younger looking skin is something that many choose to achieve. When you look at all of the skin care products claiming to make you look younger and have that ultimate glow. Just how do you achieve it? Is it even possible to have younger, more vibrant looking skin? The answer is a resounding… yes! Younger looking skin is not difficult to achieve with some great science and a little discipline. The one thing to know is that our skin is the largest organ of our body. On my radio show, I talk about how our daily habits influence our skin as much as it influences our heart, lungs, or kidneys. So the great news is that the way we eat, sleep, exercise, and live will be a direct reflection in our skin. Our skin becomes like a meter to show us how our inside is doing. Usually that means healthy skin outside will be a good reflection of a healthy body inside. So let’s take a look at some easy ways to keep our skin looking younger and healthier. 

1.Sleep 6-8 Hours 
Looking for the magic potion to get rid of the wrinkles? Sleep. This is a major key to longevity in your skin. It must be quality sleep. Getting into the deep stage of sleep is proven to help rejuvenate the skin and keep your skin glowing. 

2.Drink Green Tea 
It’s so easy to do. Green tea has so many powerful antioxidants to help keep your skin glowing and protected. Try the green tea test. Take a picture of your skin, then drink fresh unsweetened green tea every day for 30 days. Take another picture and see what you notice

3.Drink Your Water 
Pure, non-chlorinated water is an essential for naturally glowing skin. Most people are dehydrated and don’t even know it. The typical goal is half your bodyweight in ounces per day.

4.Eat High Omega Fatty Fish 
Your best bet is to eat wild caught fish daily. The better fish are salmon, tuna, and mackerel. The rest of the fish are typically good, however, these contain the higher levels of the good fats for empowering your health

5.Get Your Vegetables 
This seems to be a struggle for many. Statistics tell us that only about 1.5% of Americans eat fruits and vegetables. For optimal health we need between 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables each day! That’s a lot! 

One of my favorite ways to get in my fruits and vegetables is with our FRUITY MATRIX powder. Each scoop tastes amazing. You just mix with water and it provides you with 5-9 servings of organic fruits and vegetables each day plus over 90 antioxidants and super nutrients that the body needs. 

We must get our vegetables in. 

These are some of the basics to help get your skin looking younger. Remember, there is much more you can do for great health. It just takes time and the willingness.

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