Mapping The Human Immune System

You might have heard of the Human Genome Project. This massive undertaking spanning decades mapped the full extent of human DNA, making all sorts of interesting discoveries on the way. It was the biggest-ever collaboration of its kind. Now, a new project hopes to do something similar for the human immune system ( It’s difficult […]

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L-Protein Shake

The protein shake is ubiquitous in the world of supplements. We’ve all probably seen images of muscle-bound gym aficionados draining their bottles as part of their daily routine. More recently, plant-based options have been increasing in popularity, a reflection of the wider growth of the vegan lifestyle. L-Nutra’s L-Protein is an attempt to refine the

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Scaling Up

Plenty of people have clever ideas for innovative pieces of tech. Not all of them can turn them from a theory to a working model, and even if they do get that far, they’re still a long way from making it widely available in homes and institutions around the world. That’s why it’s a big

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Bridging The Gap

Dementia is one of the fastest-growing categories of disease, but it remains among the hardest to diagnose and treat. Everyone wants to be able to spot the condition before major symptoms emerge. That’s how you plan ahead to mitigate its impact. Bridging the gap between that desire and actually being able to diagnose and treat

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Social Media

Social media has a lot of advantages. You can stay in touch with people all over the world, keep on top of all the latest headlines, and be informed about all sorts of interesting things. It also has its disadvantages, like the spread of disinformation and potential damage to mental health. How do you know

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The Accuracy Challenge

Smart rings have lots of advantages. They’re small, lightweight and convenient, making them much less obtrusive compared to many other forms of fitness trackers. This does raise the question, however, of how such a small device situated such a long way from the main parts of your body can accurately monitor anything ( There are

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Night Shift Workers

Everyone needs to exercise, but for some people it’s more important than others. Night shift workers face additional health risks due to their disrupted sleep patterns, but research suggests they can also experience even more benefits if they manage to fit regular exercise into their schedule ( Night shifts aren’t easy for many reasons. First,

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Olive Oil

The Mediterranean diet is often feted as one of the healthiest options out there, and olive oil is a big part of that. Can this one ingredient really have such magical properties? How does it compare to other kinds of fat? And is there any reason to be wary? Let’s take a deeper look (

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