Cellular Nutrition

We generally talk about how you need a broad range of nutrients to live a balanced and healthy life, but sometimes a more targeted approach can be useful for tackling particular issues. Our cells degenerate and decline as we age, so a company called Solgar has developed a new selection of supplements to specifically provide cellular nutrition (https://longevity.technology/news/solgar-cellular-nutrition-aims-to-take-longevity-cell-deep/).

There’s been a lot of research in recent years identifying the when, why and how of cellular decline. There’s also been a big increase in people turning to supplements to try to boost certain aspects of their health. It’s no surprise that an enterprising company would try to combine the two, and Solgar, which comes under the wider label of Nestlé Health Science, has plenty of experience with other vitamin supplements.

The new Solgar range, which goes by the overall name of Cellular Nutrition, is currently divided into three products. The first is Cellular Energy, which, as the name suggests, helps keep your cells energized in addition to supporting their repair. It can do this thanks to its key ingredient, nicotinamide riboside, which is vital in the production of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD), the coenzyme that plays such an important role in cell metabolism.

Second is Cellular Strength & Renewal, which uses Mitopure urolithin A to build, strengthen and sustain muscle growth. It also targets the mitochondria, famous as the powerhouse of the cell, for another health boost.

Last but by no means least is Cellular Protect. This time, the magical formula, as patented by Solgar, is a blend of glycine with N-acetyl cysteine (GlyNAC). Again, it strengthens the mitochondria, but it also alleviates many of the symptoms of aging. This includes oxidative stress, a major contributor to age-related deterioration.

All three of these new supplements are evidence-based, with studies supporting the potential benefits of nicotinamide riboside, urolithin A and GlyNac as supplements that can target aging and ill health at the cellular level, hopefully giving a powerful boost to your overall longevity.

Now, as we always like to emphasize, no supplement can be the single magic bullet that solves all your problems, and supplements are meant to augment a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and exercise, not replace it. However, when carefully chosen and used appropriately, they can have a major impact. If in doubt, talk to your doctor first.

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