Longevity & Immunity


You may have heard of your biological clock, but what about your inflammatory clock of aging (iAge)? As this is a relatively recent idea from scientists, you may not know what it means. It’s a way of measuring the aging of your immune system, your risk of developing age-related inflammation and other illnesses, and how

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Inflammation is one of the great irritations of aging, literally as well as figuratively. It becomes more common, it becomes more serious, and it underpins conditions ranging from Alzheimer’s to arthritis. Why exactly is this, and is there anything we can do about it? There’s some debate among scientists about whether inflammation is a symptom

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Many parts of the body become weaker or less effective as we age. Mobility and flexibility decrease, physical strength is lost, hormone levels change, and even the brain slows down. Then there’s immunosenescence, or the aging of the immune system, which creates its own specific problems. The effects of aging on the immune system are

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Adrenal Aging

There are so many factors that can affect our longevity. Some of them, like genes, cannot be controlled, but there are a lot of lifestyle choices involved, too. You probably know that hormone levels change as you age, but how does that affect your actual lifespan? Let’s focus on one set of hormones in particular:

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Slowing Down

Aging doesn’t just slow your movements and make it harder to exercise. It also slows the recovery process after the exercise is finished. Every ache and pain seems to last longer when you’re older. Is there any way to alleviate that effect? There are lots of possible reasons that aging slows recovery, and most people

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Infectious Disease

As we’re perhaps becoming all too aware, health isn’t always an individual matter. In some cases, it’s a public concern. When it comes to infectious diseases, which can spread rapidly through a community, that community needs to work together to tackle it. When a disease starts to spread around a particular area or population, the

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