Eating & Nutrition


If you’re someone heavily involved in fitness, you may have encountered L-arginine. It’s one of the more popular supplements out there, praised for how it can boost performance in a variety of ways, but how much do you really know about it? Let’s take a deeper dive ( L-arginine is what’s known as an amino […]

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Eating More

A lot of nutrition advice focuses on eating less, or at least moderating your diet. Sometimes, however, you really do need to fill yourself up. That’s especially true when you’re exercising a lot because that’s going to burn through more nutrients. So how do you know when you need to increase how much you eat

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Longevity Chews

Tablets, capsules, powders, potions and more… Supplements come in all forms, from the ones we swallow to those that are rubbed or even injected into our skin. If none of those methods appeal to you, well, perhaps you’d rather get your teeth into the latest NOVOS supplement, which has been delivered as a chew (

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Most people like a little bit of sweetness in their diet sometimes. For many of us, that means sugar, but for people with diabetes, it’s not so simple. The quest for a suitable substation that won’t affect glucose levels is an ongoing one. One of the newest and most exciting options is allulose. Allulose is

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CBD And Hemp Oil

Thankfully, it’s getting a lot easier (at least in some jurisdictions) to access products like CBD oil and hemp oil, but there’s still a lot of confusion about the different iterations of the hemp plant and how to choose which is best. I’m here to hopefully alleviate some of your concerns ( We’re talking about

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Another week, another exciting new trial for a possible longevity supplement. This time it’s ergothioneine, an amino acid that may be able to give our brains a boost. We’re told the study had positive results. Although the full publication won’t be released for a few months, it’s always good to hear companies are making progress

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How can you recomposition your body to gain muscle and lose fat without resorting to risky performance-enhancing drugs? You might be able to use steroids to give your muscles a boost, but they won’t necessarily stop you from gaining weight, and they’re not a substitute for a properly nutritious diet. Let’s talk a bit about

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Protein Powder

Protein powder is one of the most popular supplements out there, especially if you’re trying to build some muscle. It’s considered a safe and convenient way to give yourself a nutritional boost, but just how well does it work? Are there any side effects to be aware of before you take your first dose? Let’s

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The quest for supplements to increase the human lifespan is a never-ending one. There’s a constant cycle of studies and discoveries that may or may not be the next big thing. It can be hard to keep track of what’s the current hot supplement, but some recent research is probably going to move astaxanthin up

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