Brain Health


Everyone has trouble motivating themselves sometimes, but what if your brain is specifically wired to struggle with attention, memory, impulse control and planning? People with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) often face additional challenges when it comes to motivation, which means different management strategies are needed. Many people think of ADHD as just meaning someone

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Lifelong Learning

Children learn things almost by default. It’s a combination of not knowing anything to start with and having the open-mindedness that makes it much easier to pick up new things. For adults who’ve developed habits and whose brains have literally become more set in their ways, getting in the right learning mindset is a bit

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Personality Disorders

When it comes to mental illnesses that have a bad reputation, few are more stigmatized than personality disorders. Depression and anxiety are becoming more widely acknowledged, but personality disorders are tricky things that can be difficult to understand. Part of this is because personality disorders aren’t about measurable experience, like schizophrenic hallucinations or bipolar mood

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Cognitive Inertia

A lot of people don’t like change. It’s natural. We get comfortable with what we know. That doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t try to improve things; it’s just that getting in the right mindset to do that is difficult. There’s even a fancy term for how people sometimes refuse to change how they think, even

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